The Olin Group, LLC.
Mission Statement

We take great pride and personal enjoyment in assisting small to medium size business owners successfully exit their business to embrace the next challenge life has to offer. Our definition of success is really defined by the business owner. We adopt the client’s stated goals and objectives as our own and vigorously pursue any and all actions that help meet those objectives.

The Olin Group, LLC. and the exit planning team are committed to providing guidance to our clients based on whatever course of action is in the their best interest and consistent with stated objectives of that client.

In simple terms: “We base all our work and advice on whatever is in the client’s best interest ….period.”

468 ALGERINE STREET AFTON NEW YORK PHONE: 607.639.1089 FAX:.607.639.1359
Copyright 2008 © Olin Group, LLC.  
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