The Olin Group, LLC.
Why a CEPA?
The Certified Exit Planning Advisor is likened to the “Quarterback” of the team that is formed to help you successfully exit your business and embrace the next challenge life has to offer. If the CEPA is the Quarterback, the owner is considered the “Coach” of the team. As with football, it is the CEPA’s job to execute the owner’s plans and direct the team on the field.

The CEPA ensures that the owner’s exit plan is progressing on schedule and on task. It is their responsibility to make clear the owner’s objectives and the role each Exit Planning Team Member plays in the overall scheme. Meetings are scheduled and conducted on an as needed basis with the CEPA setting the agenda and keeping the team focused on our pledge; “we recommend and do whatever is in the client’s best interest ….period.”

Cliff Olin, Principal of the Olin Group, chose the Exit Planning Institute as his training provider of choice for enhancing his Exit Planning Skills. The training included over 100 hours of preparation time as well as classroom time. The Exit Planning Institute is the thought leader in providing innovative and cutting edge exit planning services.


Cliff's CEPA Certificate

468 ALGERINE STREET AFTON NEW YORK PHONE: 607.639.1089 FAX:.607.639.1359
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